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  • 弗吉尼亚大学


    弗吉尼亚大学(The University of Virginia)简称为UVA,是由托马斯・杰弗逊于美国弗吉尼亚州中西部的夏洛特镇创建的一所公立研究型大学,是美国排名第二的公立大学,仅次于加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)。该校是北美地区唯一一所被联合国教育科学文化组织列为是世界遗产的高等院校。

    www.virginia.edu - 2020-04-17 - 收藏
  • 美国南加州大学


    美国南加州大学(University of Southern California?) ,又名 南加大 ,USC , 'SC, Southern California 和 Southern Cal ,位于加州洛杉矶市中心,由监理会于1880年创立,是加州及美国西岸最古老的私立大学。南加大的课程水准极受肯定,其中商学院、电影、传播、建筑、医学及理工学院等科系在美国大学中相当知名。

    www.usc.edu - 2020-04-17 - 收藏
  • 剑桥词典


    Free Online English Dictionary, Thesaurus, Word of the Day and other language resources from Cambridge University Press. Online Dictionary. Online Thesaurus. Free Dictionary.

    dictionary.cambridge.org - 2020-04-17 - 收藏
  • ThemeXP


    The #1 themes site XP Themes, XP Styles, XP Logins, Vista Themes, Screensavers, Wallpaper, Desktop Themes, Windows Themes.

    www.themexp.org - 2020-04-16 - 收藏
  • PC镜桌面美化站


    PC镜桌面美化站是中国最大的Windows桌面美化资源站,收录大量桌面主题、屏幕保护、墙纸壁纸、登陆界面、鼠标指针、皮肤外壳、桌面工具、Themes、Wallpaper、Screen Savers!

    www.pcjdesktop.cn - 2020-04-16 - 收藏
  • AlltheWeb


    AlltheWeb combines one of the largest and freshest indices with the most powerful search features that allow anyone to find anything faster than with any other search engine.

    www.alltheweb.com - 2020-04-16 - 收藏
  • Jumbo


    Jumbo is the source for free MP3 files, games, desktop themes, screen savers and the latest computer software.

    www.jumbo.com - 2020-04-16 - 收藏
  • DFI(钻石)


    Offers industrial boards, touch panel PCs, LAN party motherboards and accessories.

    www.dfi.com.tw - 2020-04-16 - 收藏
  • Supermicro(超微)


    Motherboards, chassis, power supplies, Server, Super Blade and other key components.

    www.supermicro.nl - 2020-04-16 - 收藏
  • Leadtek(丽台)


    Founded in 1986, Leadtek Research, Inc. is a research and development company that is specialized in the design and manufacture of a wide range of high performance graphics and video solutions.

    www.leadtek.com - 2020-04-16 - 收藏